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We are a group of teenagers who are passionate in the English Creative Arts and we provide opportunities for youth across the GTA to display their creativity! We also host seasonal writing contests and promote young writers across the GTA who want their writing to be seen.



AmplifyYouthOfficial is based in Toronto, Canada. We aim to unite passionate writers, readers, and leaders from all across the world. We are a platform for youth worldwide to create, express, make change!! 
Interested? Keep swiping to see exactly what we offer, how YOU can join us on our editorial team, and some of our monthly writing prompts



The Creativist Project's main purpose is to serve as a creative outlet and give teenagers a voice to talk about their feelings, and/or topics they feel passionate about in a creative way. We all need to talk sometimes, but it can be hard to find someone to listen. This project encourages you to share creatively and listen creatively, so you can find your voice.



Writers of Today is a program created to engage teenagers who are interested in creative writing and graphic design. Whether you're interested in pursuing a career in the English or arts field or just love to write or design, this could be the program for you! The lack of opportunities for young people interested in this field was shocking, which is why this program was started, I wanted to become that opportunity. 
As a program that is fully youth-led, we want to give teenagers the opportunity to be young journalists and designers!
We have people on our team from all around the world! A vast majority of us are located in the Greater Toronto Area.

Creative: What We Do
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